The Camel (otherwise called the Dromedary Camel, and the One-Humped Camel) is a substantial hoofed creature that is most normally found in the hot deserts of Northern Africa and the Middle East. Thought to have been initially trained by local individuals more than five thousand years prior, these strong creatures have demonstrated indispensable to the survival of people in these zones as they are not simply utilized for transporting both individuals and merchandise, additionally give a decent wellspring of milk, meat and downy.

Camels occupy these dry and bone-dry areas in groups that can contain up to forty camels and are involved females with their young and are headed by a solitary, predominant male. Amid the rearing season, prevailing guys secure their group of concubines of females by gnawing, spitting and inclining toward their adversary guys. Camels rest by resting and do so by twisting their front legs underneath them, took after by the back